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ESSENTIALFor basic websites
Billed annually. Pay $59 today
1 Site24/7 SupportDesign56 Pro WidgetsTheme BuilderMotion EffectsTemplate LibraryCustom FontsMarketingForms WidgetFloating ButtonsLink in BioDynamic ContentDynamic WordPress FieldsDynamic Tags
ADVANCEDFor professional and Ecommerce websites
Billed annually. Pay $99 today
Up to 3 Sites24/7 SupportDesign91 Total Pro WidgetsTheme BuilderMotion EffectsTemplate LibraryCustom FontsCustom Code & CSSGlobal WidgetsMarketing & EcommerceForms WidgetForm SubmissionsMarketing IntegrationsPopup BuilderWooCommerce BuilderFloating ButtonsLink in BioDynamic ContentDynamic WordPress FieldsDynamic TagsCustom Field SupportPost Type Support
EXPERTFor freelancers who need multiple sites
Billed annually. Pay $199 today
Up to 25 Sites24/7 Premium SupportDesign91 Total Pro WidgetsTheme BuilderMotion EffectsTemplate LibraryCustom FontsCustom Code & CSSGlobal WidgetsMarketing & EcommerceForms WidgetForm SubmissionsMarketing IntegrationsPopup BuilderWooCommerce BuilderFloating ButtonsLink in BioDynamic ContentDynamic WordPress FieldsDynamic TagsCustom Field SupportPost Type Support
AGENCYFor high-growth agencies
Billed annually. Pay $399 today
Up to 1000 Sites24/7 Premium SupportDesign91 Total Pro WidgetsTheme BuilderMotion EffectsTemplate LibraryCustom FontsCustom Code & CSSGlobal WidgetsMarketing & EcommerceForms WidgetForm SubmissionsMarketing IntegrationsPopup BuilderWooCommerce BuilderFloating ButtonsLink in BioDynamic ContentDynamic WordPress FieldsDynamic TagsCustom Field SupportPost Type Support
The above prices do not include applicable taxes based on your billing address. Unless otherwise specified, prices are in USD. The final price will be displayed on the checkout page. All plans renew annually at list price.